By: Beth Vaughan This has been a revolutionary month for the study of autism. A research project by Google and Autism Speaks to sequence and study human genomes and seek a breakthrough for autism was officially launched on December 9, 2014. This is the world’s…
By having benchmarks in mind, parents can take the necessary steps to help their child move forward when they don’t reach learning and developmental milestones during the typical window of time. When a child is born, their parents, and society as a whole have a…
By: Beth Vaughan With the holidays quickly approaching, we should all be feeling an increased sense of caring and support for one another. From canned food drives, to just holding the door an extra second longer for a stranger, supporting one another is one of…
By: Jen Grisnik The holidays can be a busy and stressful time: holiday parties, school concerts, visiting relatives, shopping, traveling, and so much more. Planning for, and attending various holiday events with your child with autism can increase your stress. But there are many things…
By: Beth Vaughan Famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld sat down for an interview with Brian Williams on NBC’s “Nightly News” last Thursday and said he believes he has autism, on a very “drawn-out scale”. Jerry was asking to further explain, and the 60-year-old comic said he…
By: Stephanie Martinez All parents worry about their child’s safety and well being, but for parents who have children on the Autism Spectrum, sometimes more steps are necessary to ensure children are kept safe. Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may not have the same…