Reaching Milestones- St. Marys Center held a Halloween party for all clients Wednesday, October 31 from 4:00-5:00pm. We had a jam-packed hour filled with trick-or-treating, games and arts-n-crafts. Clients arrived in their n Halloween costumes to join in the festivities. We had all kinds of characters show up– from Batman and Super Girl to Mario and Luigi. Clients participated in making a healthy and edible monster mouth art project made from apples, peanut butter and almonds. Our younger clients really utilized their fine motor skills as they tried spreading peanut butter with a knife and picking up small almonds to stick to the apples. It was a yummy snack for all! Clients immediately got the opportunity to practice their social skills while going door to door trick-or treating throughout the office. They practiced using good manners, appropriate turn taking and waiting, and picked up some handfuls of candy from staff along the way. The fun really started when the piñata came out! Clients took turns taking a swing at our candy filled witch piñata and had a blast playing the” guess how many candy corn are in the jar” game. Our very own Jake took the crown and guessed the amount of candy corn in the jar and won it as a prize. He was beaming when he found out that he won and very willingly shared his winnings with his fellow peers. All clients engaged in social play with their peers – they were even “caught in the act” playing board games together, sharing toys, and engaging in imaginary play while in costume. Overall, the party was a success and everyone who participated had a blast. Thanks to all who came out for the fun and who helped put this event together.