Meet Jacob: He is a 3 yr old boy diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is mostly non-verbal, with a limited verbal repertoire consisting of approximately 80 words. Jacob takes psychotropic medications to control his self-injurious behavior and his physical aggression towards his parents. Jacob’s parents report bath times are physically and emotionally exhausting because of Jacob’s extreme aversion to water. Jacob is enrolled in the Babies Can’t Wait early intervention program through the state of Georgia. He has received Speech and Occupational therapies, but has not received ABA therapy at this point. Jacob’s father is an active duty soldier preparing for deployment, leaving Jacob’s mother as the primary caregiver. They are seeking ABA therapy to provide Jacob an opportunity to develop age –appropriate verbal behavior, social skills, and parent training, all while reducing his significant problem behaviors.
This was Jacob in 2009, when he became the first client in our Richmond Hill clinic. Since that day, Jacob has made tremendous progress. BCS immediately began providing intensive therapy in Jacob’s home. His mother played a vital role in his progress, as she sought to learn as much as she could about ABA. She learned the procedures and implemented them even when a behavior analyst was not present. Working together, Jacob’s mother, the supervising behavior analyst and behavior assistant created goals for Jacob and worked to teach him the necessary skills to achieve those goals. Within the first 6 months of receiving ABA services, Jacob was able to tolerate bathing without exhibiting problem behaviors, made trips to the ocean, increased his verbal repertoire significantly and no longer required Occupational Therapy or psychotropic medication to control self-injurious behaviors and aggression. Within 18 months Jacob no longer required Speech Therapy and demonstrated age-appropriate developmental milestones, including language and social skills.
Today, Jacob no longer requires intensive ABA therapy. He does not demonstrate any of the problem behaviors that he demonstrated just 3 short years ago. He has been placed in a mainstream classroom, without any educational supports. He not only participates on a local youth baseball team, but he excels both athletically and socially. Not to mention, he is super cute! Congratulations to Jacob and the entire Montelbano family! You have truly Reached a Milestone with BCS. Visit any of our offices including our ABA Therapy for Autism Jacksonville Fl.